Following the success of the conference on Supernova Remnants in 2016, a consensus was reached to hold regular meetings on the topic. The Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens therefore invites you to “Supernova Remnants II: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar death” on the beautiful island of Crete, the home of the mythical inventor and artisan Deadalus, as well as Icarus, Theseus and the Minotaur.
The conference will build upon spectral and imaging observations from radio to gamma-ray wavelengths of SNR blast waves, pulsar wind nebulae and SN ejecta and their interpretation through models and numerical simulations. The goals of the meeting are understanding the evolution of SNRs and their interaction with interstellar gas, elucidating the physical processes that govern shock waves and relativistic plasmas, and inferring characteristics of supernova explosions from SNR observations.
We will focus on narrowing the gap between observations and theories with the help of powerful new instrumentation such as hard X-ray and gamma-ray satellites, large optical telescopes, and sub-mm and low-frequency radio arrays on the one hand, and increasingly detailed and realistic numerical simulations on the other. New understanding of the nature of supernova remnants and processes that occur there offers new insights into the role of SNRs in the structure and evolution of galaxies and the nature of supernova explosions.
Looking forward to seeing you in Crete!
The Local and Science Organizing Committees.
Contact us
For questions regarding the meeting, please contact the Local Organizing Committee
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